Introducing a full set of features
to create highly relevant content and links

"No ranking factor compensates for missing relevance" - John Mueller

One click away

Topical's extension lives in your Chrome browser, it's just one click away. Check any page Topics, related entities, affinity with your own content... Instantly!

Various metrics

Topics classification overview, detailled topics list, but also related entities or headings. More insights incoming...


A documented API with playground is already available if you want to integrate Topical.Click features into your own workflow or tools, in an automated way.

Private user account

Within your Topical account, you can store and organize your own content, get access to your past analysis and run more complex operations, like automatic semantic linking of your pages.

Get beta access now

The service is still under construction, however a beta version of the extension is already available to test.

Head over to (English version) or Cocon.Se (En Français).
Once logged in, check the "Topical" menu.